FLYMORTON.COM FLYMORTON CHARACTERIZED AS IN WEARABLE NONCONDUCTIVE DEFORMED BIOMETRIC RANGE PLASTIC SHEET BARING CIRCULAR METALLIC INTERFACE CAGE BIPOLAR PITCH FIVE BLADE EDF AIR PROPELLANT ROTARY BODY ARMOR BRACE POTENTIOMETRIC RANGE PERFORMS GYROSCOPE ARIEL PROXIMITY HOLD PITCH AXIS POSITIONED STABILIZATION (2) STEP METHOD OR APPROACH EXHIBITS SERVO POWERED EXOSKELETRONIC NONCONDUCTIVE BODY ARMOR EXHIBITS (3) STEP METHOD OR APPROACH EXHIBITS COPPER SHEET SURFACES BARING ALUMINUM WIRE EXTERIOR SURFACES BARING COPPER COIL OF WIRE SERIES TYPE LINEAR SOLENOID ACTUATOR BARING FLUX COIL OF IRON WIRE SUBMERSE WITHIN CLEAR ADHESIVE INDUSTRIAL MAXIMUM STRENGTH STRONGHOLD LIQUID COMPONENTS SILICON CARBIDE 60G BISMUTH CARBIDE 60G, GRAPHENE CARBIDE 60G ALUMINUM CARBIDE 60G BRASS CARBIDE 60G QUARTZ CRYSTAL ONYX GEMSTONE CRYSTAL POWDER MESH 60G AMETHYST GEMSTONE POWDER MESH 60G POWDER 2MM 1 HALF A POUND BARON CARBIDE 60G EPOXY RESIN CRYSTAL CLEAR HARDER BARING (4 step METHOD or APPROACH EXHIBITS WIFI OR MICROWAVE BLOCKING CLOTH SHEET BARING silver PHOTOVOLTAIC strips solar circuitry surfaces interface baring yellow & blue light emitting diode FLAT COPPER bus bridge JUNCTION ELECTROMOTIVE (PIR) TRACKING MOUSERS TOUCH SENSORY IR CIRCUIT baring MODULATED PBS polymer tubing electrochemicals gel electrolyte cell fluidic multiple channels LIQUID cycling synchronous energy charge gel flow tubing SEPARATED SECTIONAL segments enclosed within magnifying color distorting flexible film sheets underneath trapezoid magnifying focal plastic couple to biometric outer edge range:(5 method or approach EXHIBITS invisibility mode image of light spectrum phase prismatic emitter photovoltaic thermal reactive full color enhanced magnified projected images shape of light augmented reality body armor bipolar sides displays interface surfaces submerge within epoxy resin crystal clear harder enclosures LENZ'S LAW EMT /EDF/MAGLVE WAY EMW/EMS/EDS/FARADAY'S CAGE ENCLOSURES subject not limiting to additional system or structure potentiometric range inventor Jermaine Morton wearable BIOMECHATRONICS MANNED UAV Newtonian physics forces of mass against the weight of gravity or inertial Mass rule#1 my copper wire turns of coil weighs more than all of the COMPONENTS all together incorporated within the BIOMECHATRONIC biometric range rule#2 my copper wire turns of coil weighs half of my biophysical separate section segments of mass. Newtonian physics POTENTIOMETRIC quantum mechanical Mass the presence of force against the weight of gravity or inertial Mass rule#3 permanent magnet must weigh 75% less than opposing common element transmission (03 permanent magnet pull rate 1200lbs(#003 permanent magnet isotopic activity electron gyroscope procession torque energy ionic must propagate past the height of the phase common polarized element gauge of thickness beyond 2inch or more(#02 the permanent magnet polarized transmissions Force more than inertial Mass
FLYMORTON.COM FLYMORTON CHARACTERIZED AS IN WEARABLE NONCONDUCTIVE DEFORMED BIOMETRIC RANGE PLASTIC SHEET BARING CIRCULAR METALLIC INTERFACE CAGE BIPOLAR PITCH FIVE BLADE EDF AIR PROPELLANT ROTARY BODY ARMOR BRACE POTENTIOMETRIC RANGE PERFORMS GYROSCOPE ARIEL PROXIMITY HOLD PITCH AXIS POSITIONED STABILIZATION (2) STEP METHOD OR APPROACH EXHIBITS SERVO POWERED EXOSKELETRONIC NONCONDUCTIVE BODY ARMOR EXHIBITS (3) STEP METHOD OR APPROACH EXHIBITS COPPER SHEET SURFACES BARING ALUMINUM WIRE EXTERIOR SURFACES BARING COPPER COIL OF WIRE SERIES TYPE LINEAR SOLENOID ACTUATOR BARING FLUX COIL OF IRON WIRE SUBMERSE WITHIN CLEAR ADHESIVE INDUSTRIAL MAXIMUM STRENGTH STRONGHOLD LIQUID COMPONENTS SILICON CARBIDE 60G BISMUTH CARBIDE 60G, GRAPHENE CARBIDE 60G ALUMINUM CARBIDE 60G BRASS CARBIDE 60G QUARTZ CRYSTAL ONYX GEMSTONE CRYSTAL POWDER MESH 60G AMETHYST GEMSTONE POWDER MESH 60G POWDER 2MM 1 HALF A POUND BARON CARBIDE 60G EPOXY RESIN CRYSTAL CLEAR HARDER BARING (4 step METHOD or APPROACH EXHIBITS WIFI OR MICROWAVE BLOCKING CLOTH SHEET BARING silver PHOTOVOLTAIC strips solar circuitry surfaces interface baring yellow & blue light emitting diode FLAT COPPER bus bridge JUNCTION ELECTROMOTIVE (PIR) TRACKING MOUSERS TOUCH SENSORY IR CIRCUIT baring MODULATED PBS polymer tubing electrochemicals gel electrolyte cell fluidic multiple channels LIQUID cycling synchronous energy charge gel flow tubing SEPARATED SECTIONAL segments enclosed within magnifying color distorting flexible film sheets underneath trapezoid magnifying focal plastic couple to biometric outer edge range:(5 method or approach EXHIBITS invisibility mode image of light spectrum phase prismatic emitter photovoltaic thermal reactive full color enhanced magnified projected images shape of light augmented reality body armor bipolar sides displays interface surfaces submerge within epoxy resin crystal clear harder enclosures LENZ'S LAW EMT /EDF/MAGLVE WAY EMW/EMS/EDS/FARADAY'S CAGE ENCLOSURES subject not limiting to additional system or structure potentiometric range inventor Jermaine Morton wearable BIOMECHATRONICS MANNED UAV Newtonian physics forces of mass against the weight of gravity or inertial Mass rule#1 my copper wire turns of coil weighs more than all of the COMPONENTS all together incorporated within the BIOMECHATRONIC biometric range rule#2 my copper wire turns of coil weighs half of my biophysical separate section segments of mass. Newtonian physics POTENTIOMETRIC quantum mechanical Mass the presence of force against the weight of gravity or inertial Mass rule#3 permanent magnet must weigh 75% less than opposing common element transmission (03 permanent magnet pull rate 1200lbs(#003 permanent magnet isotopic activity electron gyroscope procession torque energy ionic must propagate past the height of the phase common polarized element gauge of thickness beyond 2inch or more(#02 the permanent magnet polarized transmissions Force more than inertial Mass